
ACSO comments on the latest CRU claims data

Posted on Thu, 28/04/2022

Commenting on the latest accident claims statistics released this morning by the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU), the official government source, Matthew Maxwell Scott, executive director of the Association of Consumer Support Organisations (ACSO), said:

"The government says the country is returning to pre-pandemic normality,  but for motor accident claims the numbers suggest we could still be in lockdown. The 97,099 motor claims registered in the first quarter of 2022 is very similar to the 94,973 in April to June 2020, when we were at the height of the pandemic and few people were out driving.

"If traffic levels now are back to where they were, albeit perhaps less at peak hours, it means injured people are not claiming, or their claims are lost in the system. Whatever the reason, it is worrying that people injured in accidents that weren't their fault are not receiving the help and recompense they are entitled to.

"The overall numbers for motor injury claims over the last year remain at historic lows, while claim volumes for employer liability and public liability are slightly down on the previous three months, though flat compared to the same period in 2021, reflecting that fact that many of us are still choosing to work from home. Clinical negligence claims have ticked up 8.4 per cent to just over 4,000 on the quarter.

"Our view that the system is letting down injured people hasn't changed. They are getting less compensation, and the claims process in the form of the new Official Injury Claim (OIC) portal, which the government says is user-friendly, doesn't work at all well. If consumers do want to fight for justice in court, they face a delay of more than a year. The government said it wanted to fix a broken system through the Civil Liability Act, but it is perhaps more broken than ever."


Volume of Personal Injury Claims Recorded by the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU)
Liability Type  Clinical Negligence  Employer Motor Other  Public Not Known Total
01 Jan 18- 30 Jun 18 8,978 42,151 326,699 5,036 47,950 1,209 432,023
01 Jul 18- 30 Sep 18 4,483 22,375 159,417 1,804 21,290 616 209,985
01 Oct 18 - 31 Dec 18 3,944 23,517 181,261 1,848 23,247 737 234,554
Total 2018  17,405 88,043 667,377 8,688 92,487 2,562 876,562
01 Jan 19- 31 Mar 19 4,207 22,001 156,791 1,868 21,288 597 206,752
01 Apr 19- 30 Jun 19 3,494 25,342 146,844 1,610 16,244 328 193,862
01 Jul 19- 30 Sep 19 3,908 23,491 169,217 1,995 20,101 430 219,142
01 Oct 19 - 31 Dec 19 4,324 16,162 181,131 1,927 19,622 504 223,670
Total 2019 15,933 86,996 653,983 7,400 77,255 1,859 843,426
01 Jan 20 - 31 Mar 20 4,119 14,032 155,860 1,554 16,620 393 192,578
01 Apr 20 - 30 Jun 20 2,217 10,531 94,973 1,076 11,778 351 120,926
01 Jul 20 - 30 Sep 20 2,503 10,774 104,782 1,124 12,358 298 131,839
01 Oct 20 - 31 Dec 20 3,827 12,734 139,758 1,413 14,606 398 172,736
Total 2020 12,666 48,071 495,373 5,167 55,362 1,440 618,079
01 Jan 21 - 31 Mar 21 5,938 11,648 107,463 964 12,544 301 138,858
01 Apr 21 - 30 Jun 21 3,938 9,866 101,679 1,180 10,834 206 127,703
01 Jul 21 - 30 Sep 21 3,805 11,222 90,135 1,129 14,064 249 120,604
01 Oct 21 - 31 Dec 21 3,744 11,748 98,774 1,196 15,084 109 130,655
Total 2021  17,425 44,484 398,051 4,469 52,526 865 517,820
01 Jan 22 - 31 Mar 22 4,062 10,933 97,099 1,093 12,742 115 126,044
Total 2022 YTD  4,062 10,933 97,099 1,093 12,742 115 126,044